A serious injury can be a serious downer. Not to mention, it can also get in the way of your ability to function in everyday life. This was the case for a Redditor’s husband, who broke his leg in a work accident. He is finally starting to recover from the injury… but all his sister cares about is the fact that he has gained weight. Now, the original poster is fighting with his sister-in-law over a hurtful comment she made to her husband.
Writing in the infamous /AmITheAsshole subreddit, user @Wisht1992 provided some context: She and her husband have been married for about four years and are both in their early 30s.
“Things are going really well for us – or they were until about six months ago. My husband had an accident at work that badly broke one of his legs and has been struggling ever since” OP wrote.
She explained how her husband was on bedrest for “several weeks” after recovering. During this time, he gained weight “because he couldn’t exercise or move around,” which is quite understandable.
AIT for shouting at my SIL over his behavior towards my husband?
By u/Wisht1992 in AmItheAsshole
“It didn’t really bother me, but I know he found it very uncomfortable. His job is very physically demanding, so he got used to eating whatever he wanted and could work without any problem,” OP added. “To make matters worse, his family are people who really look down on overweight people – especially his younger sister. She is very superficial. “
Definitely not the attitude you want when starting a “tough” recovery from a broken leg. But OP’s husband was adamant. After physical therapy, he is now “back on his feet, which was a big win for him.” However, he can only move around on crutches, so his body is constantly changing.
“Then her younger sister announced her engagement and said she was aiming to get married before the end of 2023. She jokingly teased my husband that she needed to lose weight first to look good in the wedding photos,” the OP wrote. . (Big yay!) “Quite frankly, I wanted to get her out of there and then, but my husband good-naturedly brushed it off“
OP’s husband is recovering from his injury… but her SIL is laser-focused on her weight.
Image credit: Getty Images
Alas, SIL’s toxic attitude about his brother’s body came to the fore again. OP recently noticed that her husband is not eating as well as usual.
“I started to suspect that he might be skipping meals, because things weren’t adding up—I asked him about it, and he admitted that he was skipping lunch most days,” she recalled. “Apparently, her sister actually called her after announcing her engagement and basically ordered her to ‘trim down’ before her wedding, or else she’d be left out of the family photo.“
Um, whoops! This man is recovering from a bad injury; His physical appearance should be the very last thing on his mind.
Naturally, the OP saw red. She told her SIL “almost immediately” and “gave her a piece of my mind, berating her for essentially putting her on a diet.”
“She gave as good as she got and accused my husband of enabling unhealthy habits,” Opie recalled. “After I hung up, my husband got very upset and told me that I didn’t need to go into his family issues like this, and that his sister was right about her needing to lose weight. To make matters worse, his mother called him and kicked him out for allowing me to offend his sister.”
“Am I here AH?” she continued. “I don’t know if I should involve myself in what happened between him (an adult man) and his sister after all.”
Needless to say, AITA Redditors had strong opinions.
Image credit: Getty Images/iStockPhoto
There’s a lot to unpack here, so let’s get started. First and foremost: OP’s SIL is not concerned about her husband’s health. He cares about how he looks, which is pure vanity. If she indeed Caring for his well-being, SIL will refrain from disparaging comments about his body and encourage him to encourage him as he recovers from the injury.
So, no, the OP is definitely not an AH in that regard. In fact, most AITA Redditors believe that she did the right thing by standing up for her husband, even though he is an “old man”.
“NTA,” one person wrote. “[Your in-laws] funny sound Hitting a man when he’s down is always commendable.
“[Your] SIL has no idea of the trials, heartaches and joys of marriage. Your husband (and you) had your life turned upside down by medical problems [take] Time to make progress. Her scathing comments on his weight and excluding him from family pictures crossed the line“, one commenter wrote.
“Wow, that family dynamic doesn’t sound healthy at all.” another Redditor opined. “I’m sure skipping meals is not a good idea, and a healthy body needs nutrients. A better course of action is to talk to his medical team and get advice on proper nutrition with a PT.”
But some commenters had more mixed views on the situation.
Many believe OP should have spoken to her husband before confronting her sister. Even if her heart was in the right place, Oppa caused drama on her husband’s side of the family.
“I 100% understand why you are offended by this, and I probably would have reacted the same way, in all honesty. But I also agree with your husband, that you shouldn’t involve yourself in his family issues if he doesn’t ask you,” another commenter said. “I’m going to say NTA because I think your reaction is justified.”
#woman #chewed #SIL #bodysham #injured #husband #Reddit #thoughts